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Toggling branch tree view in GitKraken



Can't believe I can not figure this one out - I have two installations of gitkraken on two different machines, but the main workflow window looks different between them. One installation shows up a simplified structure of commits for all the branches:

simple view

while another renders a tree view of the workflow:

desired view

I prefer the latter over the former, but I can't figure out how to switch between the two?

like image 664
Vlas Sokolov Avatar asked Oct 19 '17 09:10

Vlas Sokolov

2 Answers

Increase the commit graph section width by dragging the small colored lines just left of the commit message.

like image 60
kowsky Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


It's too easy just drag the commit graph to change the view, look below image

enter image description here

Source: https://blog.axosoft.com/gitkraken-tips-2/

like image 21
Varun Sukheja Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Varun Sukheja