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How do I open GitKraken after installation on Windows 10?

It seems that this is a real issue. In How to Install GitKraken, they point to a %APPDATA%/.gitkraken folder. Once there, you have "profiles" and "service" folders and "config", "log" and "secFile" files. Inside those folders, there are no signs of an executable. It's not under Program Files, nor in the PATH environment variable, it's nowhere to be found. If you install it again, it opens normally and logged in your profile, but after closing it, there's no way to open it again. There are no shortcuts.

What am I missing?

like image 405
Ericson Willians Avatar asked Jan 31 '17 18:01

Ericson Willians

People also ask

How do I open GitKraken?

You can open the terminal or CLI from GitKraken Client! To open the current repo folder in terminal, go to File Open Terminal or use the keyboard shortcuts opt + T (Mac) / alt + T (Windows + Linux).

Where is GitKraken installed Windows?

In How to Install GitKraken, they point to a %APPDATA%/. gitkraken folder. Once there, you have "profiles" and "service" folders and "config", "log" and "secFile" files.

Where is GitKraken installed?


Why do I need a GitKraken account?

GitKraken needs to be authorized in your GitHub account in order to browse remote repositories, view and create pull requests, and perform other actions.

1 Answers

By default GitKraken is installed to your local app data folder. You can find the executable file inside %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-<app-version>

As of this writing, the latest version is 2.0.1 so the exe will be %LOCALAPPDATA%\gitkraken\app-2.0.1\gitkraken.exe

And easier way to open the software would be using the shortcut in the start menu:

enter image description here

like image 122
Nasreddine Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09
