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Rename a repo in GitKraken?

I have been unable to find how to rename a local repo in GitKraken, or if this feature is unavailable.

I believe the option was available if you use the Init feature to generate the local and remote repos, but I'm wanting to update the repo name after it's already been set up and used.

(I set up my remote repo on BitBucket, then cloned my local repo in GitKraken, and it just uses the last folder name in the local path as the repo name.)

GitKraken UI, with repo tab circled for emphasis

like image 556
openrd Avatar asked Mar 06 '19 14:03


People also ask

How do I rename a repo?

On GitHub.com, navigate to the main page of the repository. Under your repository name, click Settings. Under the Repository Name heading, type the new name of your repository. Click Rename.

Can I rename Git repo?

Select the repo you want to rename under Git repositories on the left and select .... Select Rename repository... from the menu. If the Repositories pane is not expanded, select > to expand it and display the list of repositories. Enter a new repo name in the Repository name field in the dialog, then select Rename.

How do I rename a directory in Git?

To rename any file or folder, use git mv command which takes two arguments. The first argument is the source and the second is the destination. We can easily rename any file using the git command and the new name will be assigned to that file. We can rename the file using GitHub or the command line.

1 Answers

My recommendation would be to push everything you have to repo, then rename on the repository itself online, then re-clone from the new location as if it was a new repo.

like image 151
mczarnek Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09
