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GitKraken won't let me clone from a private repo on GitHub



I've tried cloning a private repo (that I have access to) on GitHub and get this message:

enter image description here

Clone Failed

Could not connect to 'origin'. Double-check your remote url, then make sure you have access to do that action on that remote and try again.

I run Windows 10, I have connected Kraken to GitHub and ssh key works and I can push and pull repos to my other GitHub repos that are public just fine. I was also able to clone the repo from the command line just fine.

like image 691
flettl2 Avatar asked Jan 30 '17 20:01


People also ask

Can you clone a private GitHub repo?

You also have the option to clone a private GitHub repository using SSH. To do this, you need to start by generating an SSH keypair on your local device. Then add a public key to your GitHub account.

Can anyone clone a private repository?

Apr, 2022 Update: You can clone a private repository from your account and you can also clone a private repository from organization if you're its owner or member. *pat is PAT(Personal Access Token).

How do I authorize a GitKraken on GitHub?

But don't worry, that process is just as simple! Simply navigate to the upper right corner of the GitKraken UI and click the gear ⚙️ icon to access your GitKraken account preferences, and then click Integrations . From here, you can select GitHub from the left and then hit the Connect to GitHub button.

1 Answers

For some reason, GitKraken does not use your existing HTTPS credentials to communicate with GitHub, nor does it use SSH on Windows. Instead it uses OAuth2, which means you need to grant OAuth2 access to GitKraken.

If no remotes or repositories are appearing in Add Remote or Clone, the likely cause is the need for an organization to allow access. GitKraken cannot see those repos when cloning or adding a fork unless the org specifically gives permission to GitKraken as an application.

  1. First check to see if access is allowed to GitKraken from GitHub Applications
  2. If access has been allowed, then the organization will need to allow Organization Approval
  3. For details about third-party application restrictions view Third-party apps list

These are the steps I took and they worked for me:

  1. You need to be an administrator in your GitHub Organization.
  2. Access the GitHub GitKraken Application page and request access:

    • https://github.com/settings/connections/applications/a7557949433b7d282a76
    • You will see a list of your Organizations at the bottom. Click "Request access" if applicable.
    • If your Organization is not listed then you have other problems (are you using the correct GitHub user account? Are you a member of the Organization?)
    • This is what the page looks like for me: Screenshot of Applications page
  3. Approve of the Access you just requested:

    1. Access this page: https://github.com/organizations/YOUR_ORG_NAME/settings/oauth_application_policy
      • You can also access the page by going GitHub Settings > "Organization settings" > "Third-party access"
    2. This page looks like this: Screenshot of Organization Settings Third-party access
    3. This is not the same page as your "Personal settings" > "Authorized applications" page ( https://github.com/settings/applications )
    4. You should see GitKraken listed as requesting permission.
    5. Click the Approve link to grant it access.
  4. GitKraken should work now.

However, in my experience I don't reliably see the GitKraken request listed in the Requests list. I've contacted GitKraken Support for assistance.

like image 152
Dai Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 13:10
