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To get colors to Less in Ubuntu's Zsh

How can you get similar highlightings to Zsh's Less than Bash's Less in Ubuntu?

I switched from OS X to Ubuntu. My Less do not work as expected in Zsh.

Manuals in my Less are green and black with or without the following code.

 # comment these out in Ubuntu
 export LESS_TERMCAP_mb=$'\E[01;31m'         # begin blinking
 export LESS_TERMCAP_me=$'\E[0m'        # end mode

 export LESS_TERMCAP_se=$'\E[0m'        # end standout-mode
 export LESS_TERMCAP_so=$'\E[38;5;246m' # begin standout-mode - info box
 export LESS_TERMCAP_ue=$'\E[0m'        # end underline

 export LESS_TERMCAP_us=$'\E[04;33;146m'    # begin underline is now yellow
 #                             |  |  |
 #                             |  |----------------- yellow
 #                             |-------------------- underline

 # to have the indication of cursor's location and line numbers, and R
 export LESS="-mNR"
 #               |--------- only ASCII color

The code makes manuals readable in OS X, but it does not work for Ubuntu in Zsh.

Ubuntu has excellent highlightings in Bash's Less. My manuals have the colors yellow, green and black in Bash without my code. Both Zsh and Bash use the same Less at /usr/bin/less. This suggests me that Ubuntu's Bash has some dot-files which configure it somewhere.

Where are highlightings for Ubuntu's Less in Bash?

like image 515
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영 Avatar asked Aug 10 '09 12:08

Léo Léopold Hertz 준영

People also ask

How do you show colors in less?

If you just want to tell less to interpret color codes, use less -R .

How do I add color in bash?

The escape sequence for specifying color codes is \e[COLORm (COLOR represents our color code in this case). By default, echo does not support escape sequences. We need to add the -e option to enable their interpretation. The \e[0m means we use the special code 0 to reset text color back to normal.

1 Answers

This works for me in zsh on archlinux:

$ mkdir ~/.terminfo/ && cd ~/.terminfo
Now get the terminfo description:
$ wget http://nion.modprobe.de/mostlike.txt
Now compile it using tic (the terminfo entry-description compiler)
$ tic mostlike.txt
(you may want to delete the mostlike.txt file after compiling)

mostlike.txt is this

#   Reconstructed via infocmp from file: /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-pcolor
mostlike|manpages with color looking like most, 
    am, hs, km, mir, msgr, xenl, 
    cols#80, it#8, lines#24, wsl#40, 
    bel=^G, bold=\E[1m\E[31m, clear=\E[H\E[2J, cr=^M, 
    csr=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dr, cub=\E[%p1%dD, cub1=^H, 
    cud=\E[%p1%dB, cud1=^J, cuf=\E[%p1%dC, cuf1=\E[C, 
    cup=\E[%i%p1%d;%p2%dH, cuu=\E[%p1%dA, cuu1=\E[A, 
    dch=\E[%p1%dP, dch1=\E[P, dl=\E[%p1%dM, dl1=\E[M, 
    dsl=\E]0;\007, ed=\E[J, el=\E[K, enacs=\E)0, fsl=^G, 
    home=\E[H, ht=^I, hts=\EH, il=\E[%p1%dL, il1=\E[L, ind=^J, 
    is2=\E7\E[r\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E8\E>, kbs=^H, 
    kcub1=\EOD, kcud1=\EOB, kcuf1=\EOC, kcuu1=\EOA, 
    kdch1=\E[3~, kf1=\E[11~, kf10=\E[21~, kf11=\E[23~, 
    kf12=\E[24~, kf13=\E[25~, kf14=\E[26~, kf15=\E[28~, 
    kf16=\E[29~, kf17=\E[31~, kf18=\E[32~, kf19=\E[33~, 
    kf2=\E[12~, kf20=\E[34~, kf3=\E[13~, kf4=\E[14~, 
    kf5=\E[15~, kf6=\E[17~, kf7=\E[18~, kf8=\E[19~, kf9=\E[20~, 
    kfnd=\E[1~, kich1=\E[2~, kmous=\E[M, knp=\E[6~, kpp=\E[5~, 
    kslt=\E[4~, rc=\E8, rev=\E[7m\E[34m, ri=\EM, rmacs=^O, 
    rmcup=\E[2J\E[?47l\E8, rmir=\E[4l, rmkx=\E[?1l\E>, 
    rmso=\E[m, rmul=\E[m, 
    rs2=\E7\E[r\E8\E[m\E[?7h\E[?1;3;4;6l\E[4l\E>, sc=\E7, 
    sgr0=\E[m, smacs=^N, smcup=\E7\E[?47h, smir=\E[4h, 
    smkx=\E[?1h\E=, smso=\E[1;30m\E[47m, smul=\E[32m, 
    tbc=\E[3g, tsl=\E]0;, u6=\E[%i%d;%dR, u7=\E[6n, 
    u8=\E[?1;2c, u9=\E[c, 

And then just define an alias in the rc file of your favorite shell:

alias man="TERMINFO=~/.terminfo/ LESS=C TERM=mostlike PAGER=less man"
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0x89 Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 20:10
