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the functionalities of two lines of code



When I was trying to learn from an existing program, I could not understand what the following two lines of code try to do?


if(0==(x-=y)) return y<<i;

Any explanations would be appreciated.

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user297850 Avatar asked Jul 27 '10 15:07


2 Answers


Finds the least significant bit set to 1 in an integer

if(0==(x-=y)) return y<<i;

Subtracts y from x, and if the result is 0, returns y shifted over (toward the more significant bits) by i bits.

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Eclipse Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 04:10



This code x>>=1 is shifting the bits of x to the right one place. This will continue as long as 0==(x&1) is true, which means that the right-most bit of x is a 0. i is the number of bits shifted.

if(0==(x-=y)) return y<<i;

This code subtracts y from x. Then, if x is 0 the code returns y shifted to the left by i bits.

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Justin Ethier Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

Justin Ethier