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upgrading boost version





I'm using RHEL 5.3, shipped with gcc 4.1.2 and boost 1.33. So, there's no boost::unorded_map, no make_shared() factory function to create boost::shared_ptr and other features available in newer releases of boost.

Is there're a newer version of boost compatible with the version of gcc? If yes, how the upgrade is performed?

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dimba Avatar asked May 13 '10 19:05


3 Answers

Download the latest version (1.43.0) of the Boost libraries from the Boost website and follow the steps in the getting started guide, which explains how to build Boost on a number of platforms, including Linux.

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James McNellis Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10

James McNellis

Simply download and install the newest version; it will adapt itself automatically to your compiler.

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Philipp Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10


Sure, just download the latest source from link text. If you are only using header only libraries, it just needs to be unpacked. If you are using one of a handful that require a library, you will need to build those.

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KeithB Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 08:10
