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Qt Creator problem. UI changes not showing when project is built





I'm making changes to a form in Creator but when I build the changes are not being "refreshed". I've gone so far as to remove every element from the form and get rid of every stylesheet but when I build the project I get the same result; as if I had never made a change at all. What gives? Am I missing something obvious? (obvious to everyone but me.. obviously)

like image 711
Jacob Avatar asked Jul 15 '10 18:07


1 Answers

I guess you're using QtCreator 2.0? I found the same strange issue. You have two options:

  • Remove the ui_{the_name_of_design}.h from the project's build dir. Then run qmake again.
  • make clean or Build → Rebuild All

But the second option even doesn't help with me. By the way that's why is good to use a different build dir than that where the sources are. If some changes don't appear to be applied, just delete the content of build dir, and everything goes fine as well.


like image 86
Vladimiroff Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
