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TestCafe - Can selectors / assertions be run in parallel?

I attempted to benchmark running times but couldn't get a conclusive result.

Is there any difference between:

await t.expect(Selector('something').visible).ok()
await t.expect(Selector('something1').visible).ok()
await t.expect(Selector('something2').visible).ok()




It appears as though in each case the assertions are run serially.

Note: I ask to see whether actions and assertions on multiple matching yet independent elements can be sped up, I understand in most cases we want tests to run synchronously.

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ioseph Avatar asked Sep 05 '18 00:09


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1 Answers

TestCafe has internal commands queue, which is used to form a chain of all test controller API calls. So you are right, there should be no difference between a set of serial awaited assertions and Promise.all. Currently you have to move all code that fetches data from the browser in a single ClientFunction to achieve parallel data acquisition for a number of elements.

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Andrey Belym Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 10:10

Andrey Belym