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How to use ternary operator for a return in JS?



I have a function to check sums in an array :

function checkSum(array, sum) {
   // array = [1,4,6,11]  sum = 10
   var answers = [];
   var map = new Map();

   for (var x = 0; x < array.length; x++) {
       if (map.has(array[x])) {
           answers.push([sum - array[x], array[x]])
       } else {
           map.set(sum - array[x])  

   answers.length != 0 ? console.log(answers) : console.log("nada")

I originally had the last line just return answers; but let's say I don't want to return an empty array -- instead, I'd rather just log a statement.

why doesn't a return in a ternary conditional work such as this:

answers.length != 0 ? return answers : console.log("nada")
like image 783
Jason Boyas Avatar asked Aug 11 '18 06:08

Jason Boyas

People also ask

Can I use return in ternary operator?

In a ternary operator, we cannot use the return statement.

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"the ternary operator returns always an rvalue. surprisingly it does" Do you meant "doesn't", as it can return lvalue (when both side are lvalues). In C, the conditional operator never yields an lvalue. In C++, it sometimes does.

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The ternary operator, also known as the conditional operator, is used as shorthand for an if...else statement. A ternary operator is written with the syntax of a question mark ( ? ) followed by a colon ( : ), as demonstrated below. In the above statement, the condition is written first, followed by a ? .

2 Answers

You need to use return answers.length != 0 ? answers : console.log("nada"). The reason it fails is because ternary conditions do not support return in their conditions. Infact, the ternary operator evaluates to an expression and expressions do not contain a return statement.

function checkSum(array, sum) {
  // array = [1,4,6,11]  sum = 10
  var answers = [];
  var map = new Map();

  for (var x = 0; x < array.length; x++) {
    if (map.has(array[x])) {
      answers.push([sum - array[x], array[x]])
    } else {
      map.set(sum - array[x])

  return answers.length != 0 ? answers : console.log("nada")

console.log(checkSum([1, 4, 6, 11], 10));
like image 104
Ankit Agarwal Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10

Ankit Agarwal

The ternary (conditional) operator expects the "expr1" part (where return answers is) to be an expression - that is, something that can be evaluated to a value, which can be used in other expressions. But a return statement is a statement, one which cannot possibly be interpreted as value, or as an expression; hence, a syntax error is thrown.

Instead of

answers.length != 0 ? console.log(answers) : console.log("nada")

either use a standard if statement:

if (answers.length !== 0) return answers;

or, if you just want to log, put the conditional operator inside the console.log instead:

  answers.length === 0
  ? 'nada'
  : answers
like image 36
CertainPerformance Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 18:10
