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Tensorflow minimise with respect to only some elements of a variable

Is it possible to minimise a loss function by changing only some elements of a variable? In other words, if I have a variable X of length 2, how can I minimise my loss function by changing X[0] and keeping X[1] constant?

Hopefully this code I have attempted will describe my problem:

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.contrib.opt as opt

X = tf.Variable([1.0, 2.0])
X0 = tf.Variable([3.0])

Y = tf.constant([2.0, -3.0])

scatter = tf.scatter_update(X, [0], X0)

with tf.control_dependencies([scatter]):
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(X, Y))

opt = opt.ScipyOptimizerInterface(loss, [X0])

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

with tf.Session() as sess:

    print("X: {}".format(X.eval()))
    print("X0: {}".format(X0.eval()))

which outputs:

INFO:tensorflow:Optimization terminated with:
  Objective function value: 26.000000
  Number of iterations: 0
  Number of functions evaluations: 1
X: [3. 2.]
X0: [3.]

where I would like to to find the optimal value of X0 = 2 and thus X = [2, 2]


Motivation for doing this: I would like to import a trained graph/model and then tweak various elements of some of the variables depending on some new data I have.

like image 673
Jeff Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 11:03


People also ask

Which of the following is minimized when you run TF train GradientDescentOptimizer () Minimize ()?

train. GradientDescentOptimizer(0.01). minimize(error) where the training step is defined. It aims to minimise the value of the error Variable, which is defined earlier as the square of the differences (a common error function).

How do I create a custom Optimizer in TensorFlow?

Creating a custom optimizer If you intend to create your own optimization algorithm, simply inherit from this class and override the following methods: _resource_apply_dense (update variable given gradient tensor is a dense tf. Tensor ) _resource_apply_sparse (update variable given gradient tensor is a sparse tf.

What is Optimizer in TensorFlow?

Optimizers are the extended class, which include added information to train a specific model. The optimizer class is initialized with given parameters but it is important to remember that no Tensor is needed. The optimizers are used for improving speed and performance for training a specific model.

1 Answers

I'm not sure if it is possible with the SciPy optimizer interface, but using one of the regular tf.train.Optimizer subclasses you can do something like that by calling compute_gradients first, then masking the gradients and then calling apply_gradients, instead of calling minimize (which, as the docs say, basically calls the previous ones).

import tensorflow as tf

X = tf.Variable([3.0, 2.0])
# Select updatable parameters
X_mask = tf.constant([True, False], dtype=tf.bool)
Y = tf.constant([2.0, -3.0])
loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.squared_difference(X, Y))
opt = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
# Get gradients and mask them
((X_grad, _),) = opt.compute_gradients(loss, var_list=[X])
X_grad_masked = X_grad * tf.cast(X_mask, dtype=X_grad.dtype)
# Apply masked gradients
train_step = opt.apply_gradients([(X_grad_masked, X)])

init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:
    for i in range(10):
        _, X_val = sess.run([train_step, X])
        print("Step {}: X = {}".format(i, X_val))
    print("Final X = {}".format(X.eval()))


Step 0: X = [ 2.79999995  2.        ]
Step 1: X = [ 2.63999987  2.        ]
Step 2: X = [ 2.51199985  2.        ]
Step 3: X = [ 2.40959978  2.        ]
Step 4: X = [ 2.32767987  2.        ]
Step 5: X = [ 2.26214385  2.        ]
Step 6: X = [ 2.20971513  2.        ]
Step 7: X = [ 2.16777205  2.        ]
Step 8: X = [ 2.13421774  2.        ]
Step 9: X = [ 2.10737419  2.        ]
Final X = [ 2.10737419  2.        ]
like image 129
jdehesa Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 23:11
