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TDownloadURL cannot download from HTTPS

I've been trying to create (TFileStream) a PDF through the TDownloadURL class, but I'm really having troubles in obtaining the file/stream from the URL, specially if the URL a HTTPS.

I'm not sure if I was clear, but I will post a snippet so it might help understanding:

var pdfStreamed: TDownloadUrl;
var fileStream : TFileStream;
  procedure generateStream;
    pdfStreamed:= TDownLoadURL.Create(nil);
    with pdfStreamed do
        URL := 'https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8327/8106108098_08e298f0d9_b.jpg'; //stream;
        FileName := 'D:\';
//        Execute;

The URL property exists both in HTTP as in HTTPS! But it throws me an error: Exception class Exception with message 'Error downloading URL: https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8327/8106108098_08e298f0d9_b.jpg'.

Could point what am I doing wrong? I've searched a lot for this, but couldn't find anything that work and simple!

Thanks a lot!

like image 631
Armando Freire Avatar asked Jan 14 '13 19:01

Armando Freire

2 Answers

TDownloadURL is just a thin wrapper around Microsoft's URLDownloadToFile() function, which supports HTTPS just fine.

TDownloadURL does not tell you why URLDownloadToFile() fails, unfortunately. However, I can see that you are setting the FileName property to just a folder path, but you need to instead set it to the full path and filename of the destination file that is going to be created to hold the downloaded data. IOW, change this:

FileName := 'D:\';

To this:

FileName := 'D:\8106108098_08e298f0d9_b.jpg';
like image 196
Remy Lebeau Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Remy Lebeau

Use Remy's answer of changing the file name to specify the correct place to save, but to fix, change your ExecuteTarget line to something like


I just tried your code with those two changes, and it successfully downloaded the image. Essentially, the component needs a handle to reference as from Here

like image 21
Tom A Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

Tom A