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Take user input in Yii2 console command




I want to create a console command in Yii2 where I can take the input from the user.

I have looked into the Yii2 documentation here-


But I could not find anything helpful.

I have also searched on Google and StackOverflow with no luck.

like image 534
Pankaj Avatar asked Jul 22 '17 05:07


2 Answers

CLI command prompt for any user string:

class CronController extends yii\console\Controller
   public function actionSendTestmail()
      $emailTo = \yii\helpers\BaseConsole::input("Recipient email: ");

or just ask for confirmation [yes|no]:

class CronController extends yii\console\Controller
   public function actionSendTestmail()
      $emailTo = Yii::$app->params["email.to"];
      if(!$this->confirm("Send email to {$emailTo}?")){
         exit("Sending email interrupted.\n")
like image 96
lubosdz Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10


Check out yii\helpers\BaseConsole helper class method input().

input('Enter your name');

Will prompt you for your name.

Or you can define arguments for the action method to pass values to the action.

static function actionDoSomething (arg1, arg2, ...);
like image 40
Barry Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
