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Laravel migration boolean field created in Db like tiny integer

I wrote a migration in Laravel:

 Schema::create('test', function (Blueprint $table) {

the field required is defined as boolean but in the db (MySql) is created as tinyint. How is it possible?

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Stefano Maglione Avatar asked May 17 '17 15:05

Stefano Maglione

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open your migration file and write down below. Schema::table('yourTable', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->string('column_name','4294967295')->change(); }); As, longText have maximum of 4,294,967,295 character limit, Laravel will automatically change column_name to longText data type.

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You can use change() method: Schema::table('users', function ($table) { $table->integer('active')->default(0)->change(); }); We were able to comprehend how to correct the Laravel Migration Change Default Value issue thanks to the many examples.

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It will make the column nullable in the database which means you can store null values to that column or also can be said that it is not a mandatory field in database.

1 Answers

Tinyint is the same as boolean. Tinyint is an integer of size equal to 1 octet. When creating the column set as boolean the the db creates it as a tinyint with a size of 1 bit. Thus making it's possible values 0and 1 which is a boolean.

From MySQL documentation


These types are synonyms for TINYINT(1). A value of zero is considered false. Nonzero values are considered true

Numeric Type Overview

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Rezrazi Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 21:09
