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ErrorException in HasRelationships.php

Im gettings this error, but i'm not sure is it because of the relationship or something else?


ErrorException in HasRelationships.php line 487:
Class 'Company' not found 


public function company(){ $this->belongsTo('Company', 'user_id'); }


public function user(){ $this->belongsTo('User') ; }

Now my goal is to hide "Create Listing" button in navigation bar, if user doesn't have relation with companies table. I know i can make it with roles or middleware, but my friend send me something like that and told me its easier to make that way.

if(count($user->company) > 0) 

So now i'm trying to figure out how, but still can't figure out how to fix the error.

Navigation view

@inject('user', 'App\User')
   @if(count($user->company) > 0)
     <li><a href="{{route('listings.create', [$area])}}">Add listing</a></li>


It didn't find class 'Company', because i wasn't using full namespaces in my relationships, but now i'm getting this new error.


ErrorException in HasAttributes.php line 403:
Relationship method must return an object of type Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation 

(View: /Users/username/Desktop/laravel/resources/views/layouts/partials/_navigation.blade.php) 
(View: /Users/username/Desktop/laravel/resources/views/layouts/partials/_navigation.blade.php) 
(View: /Users/username/Desktop/laravel/resources/views/layouts/partials/_navigation.blade.php)
like image 425
S4boteur Avatar asked May 12 '17 17:05


1 Answers

Use full namespace in the relationship code:

public function company()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Company', 'user_id');
like image 147
Alexey Mezenin Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 21:10

Alexey Mezenin