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How do I connect to a Java command-line tool with the YourKit Java Profiler?

Profiling native methods in Java - strange results

How does Yourkit measures time spent on unsafe.park native method?

java profiling yourkit

Breakpoint on array construction

Yourkit UI throwing "There's no application running at localhost with profiler agent configured to listen on port" exception

java jboss profiling yourkit

Yourkit java profiler : Cannot launch: it's impossible to automatically detect whether a 32-bit or a 64-bit JVM will be used

Why does my heap consist mostly of unreachable objects?

java heap-memory yourkit

How can I debug a non-responsive server, when the profiler can't collect samples?

Why does park/unpark have 60% CPU usage?

java profiling yourkit

Is it possible to run a JMH benchmark under an external profiler?

YourKit - The retained size of an object doesn't equal the retained size of all the objects referred by it

What would cause Tomcat (v8) to CPU spike with periodic regularity

Can I dump the current thread stack variables from a live JVM?

Is there any way to analyze a truncated Java Heap Dump (hprof file)?

Which Java profiler is better: JProfiler or YourKit? [closed]