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New posts in year2038

Correct way to store MySQL date after year 2037

calendar time stored as a signed 32-bit integer - when will it overflow

c unix time-t year2038

Converting timestamps larger than maxint into datetime objects

python datetime year2038

How to use time > year 2038 on official Windows Python 2.5

time_t to boost date conversion giving incorrect result

c++ boost year2038

"Year 2038 _problem" in Google Calendar API (Android application)

time(); after 2038?

php time year2038

Error converting to UTC after 2038 on 64 bit unix PHP

php datetime utc year2038 tzdata

JSON Web Token and the year 2038 bug

timestamp jwt iso8601 year2038

Why std::chrono::time_point is not large enough to store struct timespec?

Accessing dates in PHP beyond 2038

php date time timestamp year2038

Why should a Java programmer care about year 2038 bug?

java unix date year2038

How to convert std::chrono::time_point to std::tm without using time_t?

c++ c++11 chrono year2038

Why do timestamps have a limit to 2038?

php timestamp year2038

When will System.currentTimeMillis() overflow?

java time overflow year2038

What should we do to prepare for 2038?

PHP & mySQL: Year 2038 Bug: What is it? How to solve it?

php mysql year2038