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New posts in y-combinator

Defining a stack data structure and its main operations in lambda calculus

Y combinator, Infinite types and Anonymous recursion in Haskell

Alternative Y combinator definition

Explain this implementation of the Y combinator in Scala?

How does Y-combinator compute the fixed point programmatically?

javascript y-combinator

Transforming a function that computes a fixed point

Fixed point combinators in C++

c++ bind y-combinator

Have I implemented Y-combinator using C# dynamic, and if I haven't, what is it?

Fixed point combinator for mutually recursive functions?

I couldn't understand the Y-Combinator, so I tried to implement it and ended up with something shorter, which worked. How is that possible?

Why inductive datatypes forbid types like `data Bad a = C (Bad a -> a)` where the type recursion occurs in front of ->?

Higher-order function of recursive functions?

Y combinator discussion in "The Little Schemer"

Y-Combinator Practical Example

How do I define y-combinator without "let rec"?

f# y-combinator

Y Combinator in Haskell

haskell y-combinator

Good explanation of "Combinators" (For non mathematicians)

Can a lambda function call itself recursively in Python?