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New posts in xunit.net

Why is there no parameter for the fail message for Assert.NotNull in xUnit.net?

c# xunit.net

How to add support for xunit's Theory attribute in Approvaltests

Is there an expected result attribute in xUnit?

c# xunit.net

How to test F# option types with xUnit

f# xunit.net

How to unit test C# events with xUnit

c# .net events xunit xunit.net

Generate result report testing with xunit using .NET core

Resharper 8 and Test Explorer not finding xUnit tests in VS2013

Can't get XUnit tests working with Visual Studio 2017 RC

Testing F# async workflows with xUnit.net's Task support

xunit and System.Interactive.Async

Extend xUnit.NET to use custom code when processing a class and locating test methods

c# xunit.net extending

visual studio 2015 doesn't see my xunit tests

xunit tests don't save output to xml

Share state between tests that run in parallel with XUnit.net


Asynchronous tests in VSUTF, NUnit, xUnit.NET, MbUnit vs. SUTF?

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xUnit.net: Test class constructors not being run?

c# .net xunit xunit.net

Can TransactionScope rollback be used with Selenium or Watin?

c# asp.net selenium xunit.net

XUnit.net capture the result of each test right after it runs

c# unit-testing xunit.net