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Linear Interpolation using dplyr

r xts dplyr

Rolling window over irregular time series

r time-series xts zoo

Why do I get different results using ccf() and cor() in R?

r xts

Fill NA in a time series only to a limited number

r time-series xts zoo

merging a large list of xts objects

r list merge xts zoo

R obtaining rownames date using quantmod

r xts quantmod

R: adding 1 month to a date

r dataframe date xts zoo

Speedup conversion of 2 million rows of date strings to POSIX.ct

r posix time-series xts posixct

R xts and data.table

r xts data.table

ADD a new column into an XTS object

r xts quantmod

R Subset XTS weekdays

r xts

Which is the best method to apply a script repetitively to n .csv files in R?

r loops xts

can I write an xts object using write.csv in R

r xts

Why apply() returns a transposed xts matrix?

r apply xts

Converting data.frame to xts order.by requires an appropriate time-based object

Reading csv with date and time

r xts zoo

Grouping every n minutes with dplyr

r xts dplyr

Forecasting time series data

r time-series xts

How can I change XTS to data.frame and keep Index?

r time dataframe xts

Basic lag in R vector/dataframe

r time-series xts zoo