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New posts in xts

Obtain date column from xts object [duplicate]

r xts quantmod

Dynamically add column to xts object

r xts

Is there a work around for slow performance of do.call(cbind.xts,...) in R 2.15.2?

r xts

Animate map in R with leaflet and xts

r leaflet xts

Add missing xts/zoo data with linear interpolation in R

r time-series xts zoo

Creating regular 15-minute time-series from irregular time-series

r time-series xts zoo

Cumulative look-back rolling join

r data.table xts

How can I alter a time series (XTS or ZOO) in R?

r time-series xts zoo

Pull Return from first business day of the month from XTS object using R

r xts

Using rollmean when there are missing values (NA)

r xts zoo

correlation error: 'x' must be numeric

r numeric xts correlation stocks

Regular analysis over irregular time series

r time-series xts

Faster Way of Calculating Rolling Realized Volatility in R

r xts

Applying a rolling window regression to an XTS series in R

r regression xts

Write xts/zoo object to csv with index

r xts zoo

Fastest way of finding matching rows

r data.table xts

How do I merge a large list of xts objects via loop / function in R?

r time-series xts

Check if a variable is xts or data.frame

r types dataframe xts

Extracting the numerical values of a xts object

r xts

Rolling Sum by Another Variable in R

r data.table xts