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xts error - order.by requires an appropriate time-based object

r xts

Load multiple symbols using csv with quantmod

r time-series xts quantmod

xts::period.apply and cumprod

r finance xts

time zones in POSIXct and xts, converting from GMT in R

concatenating/ merging time series (in R)

r merge concatenation xts

Rolling regression over multiple columns

Splitting irregular time series into regular monthly averages - R

sql r data.table xts zoo

subsetting in xts using a parameter holding dates

r subset xts

ggplot2: highlight chart area

r ggplot2 xts quantmod

Removing NA columns in xts

r xts quantmod

Why can't I boxplot an xts directly?

r xts

Replacement for diff() for multiple columns

r diff xts zoo

Why is there no apply.hourly in R with xts/zoo?

r time-series xts zoo

Convert daily to weekly/monthly data with R

r xts zoo quantmod

Obtaining last Friday's date

r date xts weekday

ggplot2: yearmon scale and geom_bar

r ggplot2 xts

which time series class to use in R for financial data?

r time-series xts zoo

quantstrat in R: Setting a date based exit signal

na.locf but don't do trailing NAs

r time-series xts zoo