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concatenating/ merging time series (in R)

I have to xts/zoo objects. each has measures of different variables over a different time span. I want to create a single time series comprising all measures at all times, with NAs for missing dates/variable combinations. how do I do that? artificial example:

rownames(x) = as.character(Sys.Date()-1:3)

rownames(y) = as.character(Sys.Date()-5:7)


#now what?

#desired outcome looks like:
            a  b   c
2013-03-10  7 NA   1
2013-03-11  6 NA   2
2013-03-12  5 NA   3
2013-03-14  3  1  NA
2013-03-15  2  2  NA
2013-03-16  1  3  NA

# regular merge looks like that (adding an a.1 variable)
            a  b a.1  c
2013-03-10 NA NA   7  1
2013-03-11 NA NA   6  2
2013-03-12 NA NA   5  3
2013-03-14  3  1  NA NA
2013-03-15  2  2  NA NA
2013-03-16  1  3  NA NA

# simple concatenation ignores variable names and looks like that
           a b
2013-03-10 7 1
2013-03-11 6 2
2013-03-12 5 3
2013-03-14 3 1
2013-03-15 2 2
2013-03-16 1 3

# so what should I do?
like image 520
amit Avatar asked Mar 17 '13 09:03


People also ask

How do I combine time series data in R?

To merge two time series in R, we use the ts() function but as parameter data, we pass a vector that contains all the time series to be merged.

How do I combine multiple data frames into one in R?

To join more than two (multiple) R dataframes, then reduce() is used. It is available in the tidyverse package which will convert all the dataframes to a list and join the dataframes based on the column.

How do I combine two values in R?

How do I concatenate two columns in R? To concatenate two columns you can use the <code>paste()</code> function. For example, if you want to combine the two columns A and B in the dataframe df you can use the following code: <code>df['AB'] <- paste(df$A, df$B)</code>.

Can you merge 3 datasets in R?

The merge function in R allows you to combine two data frames, much like the join function that is used in SQL to combine data tables. Merge , however, does not allow for more than two data frames to be joined at once, requiring several lines of code to join multiple data frames.

1 Answers

This is not a general solution. But works for this example:

cbind(rbind(xs[,1],ys[,1]), cbind(xs[,-1],ys[,-1]))
           a  b  c
2013-03-10 7 NA  1
2013-03-11 6 NA  2
2013-03-12 5 NA  3
2013-03-14 3  1 NA
2013-03-15 2  2 NA
2013-03-16 1  3 NA

Just remind that cbind.xts is just merge.xts. S you can get the same result using merge

merge(rbind(xs[,1],ys[,1]), merge(xs[,-1],ys[,-1]))
           a  b  c
2013-03-10 7 NA  1
2013-03-11 6 NA  2
2013-03-12 5 NA  3
2013-03-14 3  1 NA
2013-03-15 2  2 NA
2013-03-16 1  3 NA

The problem with this solution is that if ys and xs have some dates incommon, you will have duplicated index in your final xts object.For example, if we replace y :

rownames(y) = as.character(Sys.Date()-3:5)

You get , a duplicated index for 2013-03-14, So im anot sure that it s a valid xts object.

merge(rbind(xs[,1],ys[,1]), merge(xs[,-1],ys[,-1]))
           a  b  c
2013-03-12 7 NA  1
2013-03-13 6 NA  2
2013-03-14 3  1  3
2013-03-14 5 NA NA
2013-03-15 2  2 NA
2013-03-16 1  3 NA

EDIT a generalization of the solution:

inter <- intersect(names(ys), names(xs))
diffx <- setdiff(names(xs),inter)
diffy <- setdiff(names(ys),inter)

merge(rbind(xs[,inter],ys[,inter]), merge(xs[,diffx],ys[,diffy]))

           a  b  c
2013-03-10 7 NA  1
2013-03-11 6 NA  2
2013-03-12 5 NA  3
2013-03-14 3  1 NA
2013-03-15 2  2 NA
2013-03-16 1  3 NA
like image 71
agstudy Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09
