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Can XPath and XQuery work on HTML documents?

html xml web xpath xquery

Refer to a specific document in a BaseX DB using XQuery

xml xquery basex

Running XQuery on the command line

command-line xquery saxon

How do you convert a string to a node in XQuery?

xml xquery marklogic

Retrieve an element without sub-elements in SQL Server

Invalid Value Operator '<'(less than)sign when passed as -query_filter in MLCP

Complicated application stack refactor/redesign strategies

php javascript xquery

Receive XDMP-LOCKED error when no locks exist

Java error: Unable to initialize main class

java xml xpath xquery basex

Select text from a node and omit child nodes

xpath xquery

How can I format a decimal in xquery?

Xquery distinct-values


Updating Oracle XMLType Column Content For a Given Value

sql xml oracle xquery updatexml

xquery insert node from external xs:string variable (basex)

xquery basex

Xquery: same test has different result whether used in switch/case or in if/then/else

FLWOR in Sql server count number of hits

Howto refer dynamically to an XML file in XQuery in Saxon

java xml xquery saxon xqj

Get the most repeated element in a sequence with XQuery

xquery sequence

Getting the following sibling in an XPath when "following" axis is not supported

sql-server xpath xquery

Should cast of xs:double to xs:decimal be implemented as BigDecimal.valueOf(double) or new BigDecimal(double)?

java xquery saxon exist-db basex