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How can I format a decimal in xquery?

I'm trying to format decimals in XQuery. The decimals are currency, so the format should be ,###.##.

For example:

5573652.23 should be 5,573,652.23


352769 should be 352,769 (or 352,769.00 if it's easier/cleaner)

Right now I'm using this function from http://www.xqueryhacker.com/2009/09/format-number-in-xquery/, but I can't use decimals with it:

declare function local:format-int($i as xs:int) as xs:string
  let $input :=
    if ($i lt 0) then fn:substring(fn:string($i), 2)
    else fn:string($i)
  let $rev := fn:reverse(fn:string-to-codepoints(fn:string($input)))
  let $comma := fn:string-to-codepoints(',')

  let $chars :=
    for $c at $i in $rev
    return (
      if ($i mod 3 eq 0 and fn:not($i eq count($rev)))
      then $comma else ()

  return fn:concat(
    if ($i lt 0) then '-' else (),

I'm using Saxon 9HE for my processor.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

----- UPDATE -----

Based on Dimitre's answer, I modified the function to save the decimal portion and add it to the end of the return string.

New Function

declare function local:format-dec($i as xs:decimal) as xs:string
  let $input := tokenize(string(abs($i)),'\.')[1]
  let $dec := substring(tokenize(string($i),'\.')[2],1,2)
  let $rev := reverse(string-to-codepoints(string($input)))
  let $comma := string-to-codepoints(',')

  let $chars :=
    for $c at $i in $rev
    return (
      if ($i mod 3 eq 0 and not($i eq count($rev)))
      then $comma else ()

  return concat(if ($i lt 0) then '-' else (),
                if ($dec != '') then concat('.',$dec) else ()
like image 995
Daniel Haley Avatar asked Apr 30 '11 00:04

Daniel Haley

2 Answers


let $n := 5573652.23
             substring(string($n - floor($n)), 3)

This produces exactly the wanted, correct result:

like image 64
Dimitre Novatchev Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Dimitre Novatchev

This doesn't work for you?:


You can play with this here. I am pretty sure that saxon supports this function.

Edit: This function is not supported in saxon (see comments below).

like image 32
Dennis Münkle Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Dennis Münkle