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New posts in xmlwriter

xmlwriter write elements in one line

c# xml xmlwriter

How to check name of element with WriteEndElement

How can I coerce XmlWriter to handle namespaces correctly?

xmlwriter as input for xmlreader

c# xmlreader xmlwriter

c# using + XmlWriter.Create = "Cannot access a closed Stream."

c# silverlight using xmlwriter

Create xml file with XmlWriter

Does the order of xmlns elements matter

Writing XMLDocument to file with specific newline character (c#)

what's the fastest way to write XML

c# .net xml xmlwriter

XmlWriter encoding UTF-8 using StringWriter in C#

c# xml encoding utf-8 xmlwriter

Appending an existing XML file with XmlWriter

c# xml xmlreader xmlwriter

string escape into XML-Attribute

Instruct XmlWriterSettings to use self-closing tags

c# xml xmlwriter

XML writer and Memory Stream c#

c# memorystream xmlwriter

Output XMLWriter to XML file

php xml xmlwriter

Replacing the innertext of an Xml node/element

Removing version from xml file

c# xml version xmlwriter

How can I remove the BOM from XmlTextWriter using C#?

How to create an XML file from a XmlReader?

c# xml xmlreader xmlwriter