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New posts in xmlwriter

The prefix '' cannot be redefined from '' to 'http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9' within the same start element tag

Proper name space management in .NET XmlWriter

c# .net xml xmlwriter

Serialization of object to xml and string without \r\n special characters

XMLWriter vs XMLDictionaryWriter

Writing formatted XML with XmlWriter

How do I set the Settings property in XmlTextWriter, so that I can write each XML attribute on its own line?

Can we force XmlWriter to issue <my-tag></my-tag> rather than <my-tag/>?

.net xml xmlwriter

What is the difference between XmlTextWriter and XmlWriter?

c# xml xmlwriter xmltextwriter

Adding multiple namespace declarations in XmlWriter

namespaces xmlwriter

Why is the XmlWriter always outputting utf-16 encoding?

Indentation and new line command for XMLwriter in C#

c# xml xmlwriter

How to put an encoding attribute to xml other that utf-16 with XmlWriter?

c# encoding xmlwriter

Create XML in Javascript

javascript xml xmlwriter

How to create a XmlDocument using XmlWriter in .NET?

.net xmldocument xmlwriter