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add a root element using xmldocument in C#.net

c# xmldocument

How to Select XML Nodes with XML Namespaces from an XmlDocument?

Name cannot begin with the '1' character, hexadecimal value 0x31. Line 2, position 2

c# xml xmldocument

Decode CDATA section in C#

c# .net xml xmldocument cdata

Error :- The XmlReader state should be Interactive on XDocument.Load

c# xml linq-to-xml xmldocument

ImportNode creates empty xmlns attribute

c# .net xml xmldocument

Why does XmlDocument.LoadXml throw System.Net.WebException?

C# extracting data from XML

Is there any way to save an XmlDocument *without* indentation and line returns?

c# .net xmldocument

C# XMLDocument to DataTable?

Search for nodes by name in XmlDocument

c# xmldocument

XmlNode.SelectSingleNode syntax to search within a node in C#

c# xml xmldocument

how to save xmldocument to a stream

c# xmldocument xmlreader

How to add xmlnamespace to a xmldocument

c# xml xmldocument

C# : Modify a xml node

c# xml xmldocument

Using XPath to parse an XML document

c# xpath xmldocument

Serialize object to XmlDocument

What is the purpose of remarks tag in c#

Creating an XML document using namespaces in Java

How to remove all child nodes of an XmlElement, but keep all attributes?

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