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New posts in xml-signature

How to Sign Just a part of XML File - Java XMLSignature

java xml-signature

XMLDSig: Do I have to specify Reference URI in an enveloped signature

DigestValue in XMLSignature in Java is different from C#

c# java xml-signature

How To Use XmlDsigC14NTransform Class in C#

Java equivalent of C# XML signing method

How to extract "original" content by xml-signed file

XML signature validation fails in java

javax.xml.crypto.dsig validation using the public key in the xml

java xml-signature

Configure TSA in Xml Signature in C#

Open Source XPath Filter 2.0 implementation [closed]

xmlsec fails to verify signature

'SignatureMethod' Algorithm vs. 'DigestMethod' Algorithm in XML Signature


Malformed Reference Element

How to Verify a RSA-SHA512 XML Signature in .NET?

c# rsa sha1 xml-signature sha512

SignedXml generates invalid signatures

Is there any reason to use CAdES over XAdES for advanced electronic signatures?

'Malformed Reference Element' when adding a reference based on an Id attribute with SignedXml class