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New posts in xml-drawable

Drawing Circle programmatically using Android ShapeDrawable

How to make bottom border in drawable shape XML selector?

How to make round corners for a ring shape in Android drawable

Vertical-striped background in XML?

Possible to create a fixed-width drawable in XML?

How to save, export, or convert an Android XML Drawable as a PNG image file?

Reuse drawable images for different screen sizes and densities on Android

What should i use for better performance, nine-patch or drawable xml resource?

Color State List not recognized in Shape Drawable

Glossy gradient with android drawable xml

Create borders on a android view in drawable xml, on 3 sides?

set shape background to transparent in android

Android tool to generate selector xml for buttons

android xml-drawable

Android: how to use the current theme's colors in a drawable xml?

Android TextView DrawableTint on pre v23 devices

round corners with border color

android xml-drawable

Change shape border color at runtime

android xml-drawable

how to add shadow effect on drawable in android

Android button select and press drawable

Dotted line is actually not dotted when app is running on real Android device