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New posts in xelement

How to omit the xml declarations when using XElement.Save?

c# .net xmlreader xelement

How to add value between tags using XElement?

c# xml linq-to-xml xelement

How to remove whitespace from XElement object created from XElement.ReadFrom(XmlReader)

How to best detect encoding in XML file?

XElement: a collection of all the leaves?

c# linq xelement

XElement and List<T>

c# .net linq-to-xml xelement

Workaround for "undeclared prefix" error on XElement.Load()

xml xelement

Treating strings for insertion into XElement

c# string xelement

How to read large xml file without loading it in memory and using XElement

How to Cast to Generic Parameter in C#?

C# - How to remove xmlns from XElement

c# xml linq xelement

using XElement to query for a node in namespace

c# namespaces xelement

Innertext from XElement? [duplicate]

c# xml xelement

Converting the children of XElement to string [duplicate]

c# xml xhtml innerhtml xelement

XElement value in C#

c# xml xelement

Get Element Node Value of XML using XElement in C#

c# xml xelement

Is there a way to create an immutable (read-only) XDocument?

.net api linq-to-xml xelement

What is the difference XElement Nodes() vs Elements()?

c# .net xelement

Linq-to-XML XElement.Remove() leaves unwanted whitespace

c# xml linq-to-xml xelement

c# how to read xml attributes with xelement