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Why should I use a separate test target for running XCTests and how should I do that?

ios unit-testing xctest

pick image from photos/gallery using xctest

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Xcode/iOS xctest - Build input file cannot be found

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How to write unit test for button tap?

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Swift TyphoonBlockComponentFactory Error in XCTest

Cannot find an overload for XCTAssertEqual that accepts an argument list of type ([String : AnyObject], [String : AnyObject])

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XCUITest detect UIView

navigationController is nil in Swift XCTest case

Adding XCTest unit tests to existing app doesn't work

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What if XCTestExpectation is unexpected

IOS Why Unit Test a class calls ViewController

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128 character limit in UI test Xcode

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XCTest fails when calling [NSBundle mainBundle]

XCUITest: How to jump into app code? How to modify the state of the app under test?

XCTests canceling prematurely

Why can't I find XCTest/XCTest.h?

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Test PresentedViewController with XCTest

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Scroll the cells using UI Testing

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Using UIImage imageNamed inside XCTestCase