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How to check for installed package in WiX 3.0?

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How to differentiate between Vista SP1 and Server 2008 at install

Improving performance of Wix msi install/uninstall

WiX: Define made in included file not avaible from wxs-fragment-file


WiX - Passing parameters to a CustomAction (DLL)

WIX: Create EventSource using .NET message file

WIX multiple copies of same file in msi but only one will be installed

wix wix3.5

How do I get a shortname for a folder in WiX for a Windows Installer property?

Wix: create a sql server database at a specified location [duplicate]

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Register add-ins, project templates and item templates for Visual Studio 11

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What is the maximum length of a string?

string wix

Wix Installation - Using Burn to have Managed UI & Displaying Same Progress Text as Built In dialogs

wix installation burn

What causes a 1723 DLL not found error in a WIX installer

can't show dialog in WiX installer

wix installation firebreath

The Windows Installer XML variable 'WixUICostingPopupOptOut' is declared in more than one location. Please remove one of the declarations

wix wix3.6 wix3.7

Prevent WiX from removing/replacing file from older installation


MSI Major Upgrade overwriting rules

wix windows-installer

WiX Burn: Reading LaunchTarget from Registry

wix burn

Running SQL Script file through Wix using <sql:SqlScript> element

WiX 3 driving me crazy - trying to create desktop shortcut

wix wix3 shortcut-file