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New posts in with-statement

Why can't a module be a context manager (to a 'with' statement)?

Why doesn't __getattr__ work with __exit__?

python attr with-statement

manually open context manager

Is it possible to have contextlib.closing() to call an arbitrary cleanup method instead of .close()

python with-statement

Calculate a series of weighted means in R for groups with different weightings

__enter__ and __exit__ on class level in python 3

F#: how to use "with" constructor for more values

How to give with-statement-like functionality to class?

Other builtin or practical examples of python `with` statement usage?

Java equivalent to python's "with"

java python with-statement

What is the WITH statement doing in this example? I'm trying to randomly generate data

Using the with statement in Python 2.5: SyntaxError?

Is there a Java equivalent to Javascript's with statement? [duplicate]

Delphi 2009 Handling of With

Unable to put a WITH FUNCTION clause in a BEGIN/END block

Python grammar: with_stmt

python exception handling inside with block

How sql with-recursive statement interpreted?

Python - create mock test for class method that has context manager