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New posts in windows-runtime

Does the managed WinRT API include a way to compute an MD5 hash? [closed]

Capture the stream from microphone in WAV formatting

Grid.ShowGridLines in windows store app

"Pipe is being closed" when using the WinRT Geolocator

Why doesn't TileUpdater.Clear() remove all updates?

c# windows-runtime

Binding a property that hides another in WinRT XAML (Windows8, Metro, Windows Store App)

What's the difference between CoreWindow.GetForCurrentThread().SizeChanged & Window.Current.SizeChanged event

Windows 8.1 selection mode in gridview

How can I turn off the blue clock display when debugging asynchronous code?

How to display large amounts of Text in a Windows Store application?

VS Designer always throws the Exception "The x Property doesn't have a get/set method"

DataReader.loadAsync is being completed even when unconsumedBufferLength is 0

Golang: using Windows 10 API / UWP / System.WindowsRuntime?

WinRT and persisting struct to and from an array of bytes?

Setting ItemsSource of derived ListBox throws "Catastrophic failure"

Targeting WinRT via LLVM or GCC