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New posts in windows-phone-8

Windows Phone 8.1 MediaComposition - Audio Too Fast When Stitching Videos

Windows Phone 8.1 cordova dropdown not working

cordova windows-phone-8

How to install Windows Phone 8 workload in Visual Studio 2017?

Device Orientation in Windows Phone 8

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Add Secondary Windows Phone 8 Tile


Can Windows Phone 8 and Android connect over Wifi Direct?

Windows phone 8 Emulator and copying test images to CameraRoll

Editing/Remove Exif Image data on Windows Phone

using sqlite for a windows phone 8 app

c# sqlite windows-phone-8

Windows Phone IE Mobile - How do you disable auto urls ( addresses and phone numbers ) from being created?

How do you create an element programmatically from a data template defined in XAML?

Making swipe work for a pivot control with embedded WebBrowser on Windows Phone 8.0

Resizing WP8 WebBrowser Height to Fit Content

Enterprise App distribution for Windows Phone 8 - Does it require sideload licenses?


How to give tap (or tapped) event to dynamically created TextBlock

c# xaml windows-phone-8 uwp

Launching TaskHost.exe failed, trying to run Windows Phone 8 app?

HTML Linq with HtmlAgilityPack, or alternative, in PCL

Windows Phone 8.1 Emulator not proxying through Fiddler

Windows Phone 8 IE10 Javascript debugging

Xaml TextBlock set round corner