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New posts in wikidata

How to use a Wikidata SPARQL Query and get the url to SVG image of chart

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Efficiently extract WikiData entities from text

How to get all Property value's Labels of an Wikidata Item?

How to get only the most recent value from a Wikidata property?

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Extracting RDF triples from Wikidata

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Retrieving the Interlanguage links from an exported Wikipedia article?

Wikidata - request limit for SPARQL queries


How to retrieve aliases from wikidata

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What's the best way to work with historic dates (as in 10,000 or a million years ago) in PHP?

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Use Jena to query wikidata

How to get a list of all Wikidata properties?

wikidata wikidata-api

Wikidata query timeout

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How to parse bigdata json file (wikidata) in C++ efficiently?

How to get Wikidata labels by ID using SPARQL?

How to query for people using Wikidata and SPARQL?

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How to get Wikidata labels in more than one language?

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Get all Wikidata items that are an instance of a given item

How can I convert a Freebase query to a Wikidata query?

How to query Wikidata for "also known as"

Using qualifiers in Wikidata-SPARQL

sparql wikidata