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Using WIF with asp.net MVC 3, where do I define the STS Sign out endpoint?

Authentication when using Security Token Service

ADFS 2.0 - How can I Debug "401 - Unauthorized"

Best way to detect if WIF runtime is installed

c# asp.net wif

Windows Indentity Foundation on Win 8

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How do I read the "System.ServiceModel" configuration section group from a class library?

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WIF, STS and Membership tables

How to track expired WIF fedauth cookies?

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WIF (Windows Identity Foundation) is still relevant?

Unrecognized configuration section system.identityModel

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How do I handle the event SessionSecurityTokenReceived in Global.asax?

Create Custom STS service in VS2012 with .net 4.5

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Azure ACS - Best Practice Implementation

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ADFS 2.0 time out and relation between Freshness Value,TokenLifetime and WebSSOLifetime parameters

Single Sign on With WIF

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Programatically Configuring federatedAuthentication element in microsoft.identityModel on asp.net application

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WSFederationAuthenticationModule.RedirectingToIdentityProvider event is not called

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MS Identity and Access Tool MVC 4

Is WIF a good option for securing WCF 4.0 Restful service with iPhone

.NET Claim in three namespaces