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New posts in web-storage

localStorage setItem doesn't work on ipad

Angular js watch session Storage

HTML 5 filesystem access Type Error

Access Web Storage or IndexedDB from outside the browser in Android

Request persistent storage permissions

Can user modify the values of variables stored in sessionStorage

HTML5 Cache manifest weird bug with more content

Detect Firefox IndexedDB or Web Storage storage limit, without filling up the disk?

Javascript API wrapper around web storage?

Wrapper functions for IndexedDB

JavaScript save blob to localStorage

PhoneGap iOS 7 and localStorage

Web Storage (sessionStorage and localStorage) in private browsing mode (incognito)

Access web storage from server side - possible?

LocalStorage in chrome Incognito Mode

Is AppCache = Application Cache = Web Storage's LocalStorage?

Most efficient way to store large arrays of integers in localStorage with Javascript

Share dom storage between http and https