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New posts in wcf

WCF Data Contract / Serialization

WCF Service reference namespace cannot be found

The requested upgrade is not supported by "net.pipe://"

c# wcf netnamedpipebinding

WCF net.tcp bindings, message formats and security questions

How do I capture incoming and outgoing XML from WCF service end

c# xml wcf web-services

Timer vs. repetitive background worker

WCF Service Client with .NET 4.5 Task-Based Async Operations, await never returns

c# .net wcf async-await

Setting SendTimeout in my WCF app.config

Populating the PrimaryIdentity in WCF

.net wcf security

WCF: The contract 'X' in client configuration does not match the name in service contract

c# wcf

Remove redundant C# code without using interface

c# wcf

WCF: How do I add a ServiceThrottlingBehavior to a WCF Service?

c# wcf web-services throttling

Throwing generic FaultException

wcf exception

C#: How can Server.Mappath read a file?

c# wcf file-io mapping

WCF: Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'IService' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. when hosting in IIS

wcf iis wcf-client

wcf serviceActivations could not be found