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Exclude provided jackson version from JBoss 7 EAP

jboss war jboss-eap-7

Grails deployment issues (WAR & Tomcat)

java tomcat grails war

Maven Could not resolve dependencies (Return code is: 409 , ReasonPhrase:Conflict)

java maven war artifactory

FailOnMissingWebXml error when validating pom.xml in Eclipse

Intellij multi-module maven project, update in one of the submodules is not propagated to war

How replace contex-param values in web.xml with maven?

maven jakarta-ee war web.xml

IntelliJ exclude folder from exploded war

Eclipse and maven-war-plugin explode

Packaging a Play! application straight into a WAR

java playframework war

Exporting a war in Release mode using Spring Tool Suite STS?

Create a JAR containing classes and resources from webapp using Gradle

java jar gradle war

Running Scripts in a Sprint Boot Web Application

Merge multiple spring web projects into one deployable war

maven spring-mvc war pom.xml

Web service as a JAR file, or WAR inside another WAR?

java web-services tomcat jar war

Executables in a war file

Is it possible to observe a CDI Event inside a WAR when packaged as EAR

java jakarta-ee war cdi ear

difference between WAB and WAR

osgi war wab

How to run application from war?

java class jar war main

maven build with war and jar pushing odd artifacts to internal repo

java maven-2 jar war