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New posts in vscode-tasks

File not found error on Visual Studio Code when clicking on problems window (using make, gcc and gcc problemMatcher)

How to create VS Code extension that provides custom problemMatcher?

Create multiple terminals and run commands in VSCode

Can I configure a task.json file for more then one language in vs code?

VSCODE: How do i enable "tasks: Allow Automatic Tasks In Folder" by default?

How can I get a task to set a variable that can be used in a configuration?

Want ${workspaceFolder} to emit forward slashes on Windows?

How to run several tasks in VSCode

How do I specify the include path when I build a program in VSCode?

Debug and restart on changes typescript vscode

Extension API - Task Provider - Build Task example

Enumerate terminals in extensions API

Launch.json: how to reference an environment variable

VSCode: Open new terminal as part of task?

VSCode: Delete all occurences of xml tag pair including differing contents

Get relative path of the file for tasks in vscode

How to Setup VS Code For C++ 14 /C ++17

Can preLaunchTask and launch start within the same terminal in VSCode?

VSCode Task to run various node commands