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Get relative path of the file for tasks in vscode

I have a task defined in vscode's tasks.json file as following

    "version": "0.1.0",
    "tasks": [
            "command": "gulp",
            "taskName": "eslint_task",
            "args": [
            "echoCommand": true

The ${file} is providing me the absolute path (starting from /Volumes in macOS) of the file on which I run this command. Is there any way I can get the relative path (Path starting from the workspace folder) of the same file instead?

I already checked the official documentation for tasks, but couldn't find any list of arguments there.

like image 813
noob Avatar asked Apr 12 '17 09:04


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1 Answers

Found the answer. I just need to use ${relativeFile} instead of ${file}.

Here's the list of placeholder I have found -

  • ${workspaceRoot}: workspace root folder
  • ${file}: path of saved file
  • ${relativeFile}: relative path of saved file
  • ${fileBasename}: saved file's basename
  • ${fileDirname}: directory name of saved file
  • ${fileExtname}: extension (including .) of saved file
  • ${fileBasenameNoExt}: saved file's basename without extension
  • ${cwd}:current working directory

Source: Taken from here.

like image 200
noob Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 09:09
