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New posts in vscode-extensions

VS Code Folding Based on Brackets - Not Indentation

"rejected promise not handled within 1 second" vscode Extension API

In a VS Code extension, is there a way to set the configuration options for the editor (such as word wrap) programmatically?

VSCode extension TreeView set selected

Perform pre-defined Find-Replace-All in VSCode using a keybinding

Detect debug mode in VSCode Extension

How to show warnings, errors, functions, variables in VSCode with JavaScript/Nodejs

Visual Studio Code: Is it possible to make a decorations hoverMessage clickable

Vscode API: read clipboard text content

make VS Code parse and display the structure of a new language to the outline region of VSC

How to add keywords (syntax highlighting) to language extension?

'Fix all auto-fixable problems' doesn't fix as many issues as possible vscode-eslint

VS Code Extension to Update Workspace Settings

How to record screen in Visual Studio Code? [closed]

Exclude folder from mypy checking

Use workbench.colorCustomizations in extension?

How to write async code (promises?) with vscode api: withProgress

unwanted: APL keyboard overlay enabled?

VS Code execute current line or selection to in the integrated console

How can I implement my own code outline layout in vscode?