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How to manage 2d array in Smalltalk?

Indices of a substring in Smalltalk

Is there a smalltalk "toString" equivalent?

smalltalk visualworks

Pharo / Squeak environment with dual screens

assert fails when it should not, in Smalltalk Unit testcase

What is the correct way to test Unicode support in a Smalltalk implementation?

How to, in smalltalk, read and process contents of CSV file

smalltalk visualworks

Parsing RDF in Smalltalk

Generating UML Class Diagram from Smalltalk code

uml smalltalk visualworks

Is it OK to leave the [ and ] out for messages like at:ifAbsent: if you don't need a full block?

Smalltalk: Sort a collection by two criteria

Browsing VisualWorks code in Squeak/Pharo

Glamour and Nautilus questions

Smalltalk - Compare two strings for equality

Why does add: return the object added in Smalltalk collections?

Where could I find more examples of using PetitParser? [closed]

What are Smalltalk pragmas conceptually?

Why do methods return "self" by default in Smalltalk?