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New posts in visual-studio-cordova

Couldn't Download Cordova Plugin Error in Visual Studio

The TypeScript Compiler was given no files for compilation, so it will skip compiling

Is anyone having problems installing VS Tools for Apache Cordova Update 4?

multi-device hybrid app fails to build - The certificate specified has expired

Windows 10 Store: You cannot submit pre-compiled .NET Native packages

VS2015 RTM. Cannot deploy application on Windows Phone with build target Windows Phone 8.


Not able to make ajax call from a Web View in Windows 10 Cordova App

Examples of VS2015 + Cordova + Angular2 [closed]

Installing Plugins to Visual Studio Cordova project

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) ripple.js

Deployement Error for iOS in VS Cordova

How to convince Visual Studio to use ADB for android dev over TCP/IP

Ionic 2 Visual Studio template - Live reload does not work

Debugger error “Unable to attach. The System cannot find the file specified” from Ripple and Android emulator

Can I use remote build for Cordova app without Visual Studio?

Error when installing Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova CTP3.0 in Visual Studio 2013

Multi-Device Hybrid Apps installation error