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New posts in visual-studio-2005

"There appears to be a discrepancy between the solution's source control ...."

Link errors when trying to compile against an old STD library and windows SDK

Create DB table from dataset table

VS2005 Winforms Designer Exception Screen and IE8

Visual Studio voice commands

Does Visual Studio have an option to generate html documentation for Javadoc-style comments?

Some example of __assume leading to a faster code other than "no default" in switch?

Call stack window always empty

Low performance of Incremental linking in Visual Studio C++

How to edit Build system paths in Visual Studio 2005

Reuse of va_list

c visual-studio-2005 printf

Configure the visual studio debugger for try-catch statements

/MT and /MD builds crashing, but only when debugger isn't attached: how to debug? [duplicate]

How can I get my very large program to link?

Displaying extended ASCII characters

How can I set the Task Manager description for my program?

When and why is an std::__non_rtti_object exception generated?

For C++ developers, is it worth to switch from VS2005 to VS2008?

Deploy a Desktop Shortcut to a Device running Windows CE 4.2 (VS2005)

Is it safe and acceptable to install VS.NET on your production server? [closed]