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vagrant symlink protocol error inside synced folder using relative path

VBoxManage: error: Failed to create the host-only adapter (II)

Minikube not starting on Ubuntu, throwing errors

What does --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr do during docker machine creation?

AVX inside a VirtualBox VM?

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grunt karma testing on vagrant when host changes sources grunt/karma doesn't detect it

how to add aliases to vagrant vm .bashrc file

Ubuntu VM on Virtualbox keeps aborting

boot2docker changing IP address from default to (Mac)

Genymotion Invalid path: VBoxManage and Initialize Engine: failed

Shared folder on VirtualBox not opening with Visual Studio 2015 (Website project)

No output using vagrant Windows 10

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How to lock virtualbox to get a screenshot through SOAP API

python-3.x soap virtualbox

Warning vboxdrv kernel module is not loaded

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Cohabitation Docker & VirtualBox on Windows

vagrant no space left on device

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How can I reduce input latency in a VirtualBox VM?

"Vagrant up" stuck verifying Hyper-v provider

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Unzipping Large ZIP Archives on Mac (like latest Microsoft Edge VM)

Encountered Vagrant Up error on MacOs Big Sur Upgrade [closed]