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how to create automatic snapshots for oracle virtual box?


Setting up a java/j2ee development environment with: Eclipse, Tomcat and Vagrant

Changing permissions on /vagrant

virtualbox vagrant

Guest ip is unreachable under Vagrant using private network

How to make snapshot and roll back to later with Microsoft Edge test Virtual Machines?

docker-machine: No route to host to default docker machine (using host-only vbox network) on some wifi networks

How can I run router firmware in a virtual system?

"Server response: 451 451 Temporary local - please try later" when sending email using Mailgun, Laravel and VirtualBox

boot2docker vm forgets changes when restarted

Win7 Virtualbox is giving this error when trying to launch a vm: Error loading 'crypt32.dll': 1790

windows virtualbox

Vagrant up Segfault error

ruby vagrant virtualbox

Unable to run Vagrant on Ubuntu 16.04

virtual machines virtualbox disappear


Time out of sync using VirtualBox + Vagrant + Homestead

Access web server on VirtualBox/Vagrant machine from host browser?

django virtualbox

Jenkins wrong volume permissions

Port forwarding from Host port 80 to VirtualBox port 80 doesn't work

virtualbox portforwarding

How to make a single virtualbox window full screen [closed]

Allowing Host notification pop ups in guest Virtualbox session that is full screen

Android Studio Virtual Device on a Windows 7 VM not compatible