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Authorized View or Configure View as Authorized?

Can ASP.NET MVC Views be re-used across different projects?

Best Practice for views to nested resources in Rails?

ruby-on-rails views

Rails reusing form view on edit, but setting some fields readonly

Read DataAnnotations from a collection of models in an MCV2 view

AngularJS Views in Wordpress

Mapping MySql views to JPA Entitites, which unique id to use?

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Rails 5 - using polymorphic associations - rendering the views

INSERT or UPDATE on PostgreSQL views

sql postgresql views

Keeping a ViewController in same state/ keeping it loaded in background?

iphone ios xcode views

Create links programmatically inside an EmberJS view

ember.js views

Codeigniter- cache view into a view

php codeigniter caching views

Android view rotation not happening after a few setAnimation calls

Select return dynamic columns

sql sql-server views

Rendering one partial view in two different strongly typed views

MySQL Temporary View possible?

php mysql sql permissions views

ORA-01446 - cannot select ROWID from view with DISTINCT, GROUP BY, etc

sql oracle views ora-01446

Buttons to fill width when using TableLayout

xml android views tablelayout

Laravel 4 Controller Templating / Blade - Correct method? [closed]

Do database views affect query performance?

database performance views